Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Inland Empire is proud to present its finalists for the 2025 Mentors of the Year from its High School Bigs program. These outstanding young leaders illustrate how peer mentoring helps students achieve their biggest possible futures while making a long-lasting impact on their mentee and their communities.
These six peer mentors have demonstrated a true dedication to their Littles by regularly spending time with them, guiding and supporting them as they navigate growing up through adversity. They have also been an integral part of the mentoring movement as champions and advocates for the impact positive role models have in our community.
Each of these outstanding mentors will receive college and career funding to continue their advocacy work; two of them will be announced as the winners on January 30 as part of National Mentoring Month.

Camille Parenteau, Cajon High School
"With my Little, Tevin, I can see some of myself in him. I see how he feels the need to do what others want, instead of advocating for himself. With him, I always make sure to ask about him, and no one else, to do what he wants to do, talk about what he wants to talk about, and much more. Because of my forlorn relationship with my parents and the mishaps it has caused me, I have been able to assure that with my mentorship no other child, especially Tevin, has to feel the way I did."

Karla Louisa, Jurupa Hills High School
"Coming from a new country [Antigua] has given me an understanding of empathy. I realized firsthand what it is like to be an outsider in a completely new country. My cultural background also gives me a unique perspective and through Bigs I have realized the power of it. Ultimately, my background has influenced me to be a mentor who values empathy and perspective. I’ve learned that the most impactful way to help someone is by providing support and encouragement."

Natalia Perez, Ramona High school
"Mentoring Dimitri has not only allowed me to guide and support him, but it has also helped me grow as a person. It reminds me of the importance of resilience, empathy, and providing a voice for those who feel silenced. My experiences, combined with my commitment to being a steady and understanding presence in Dimitri’s life, have shaped me into the mentor I am today. I carry the lessons I’ve learned into every interaction with him, ensuring he feels valued and seen. Dimitri is not just my Little; he is a reminder of how far I’ve come and how important it is to help others find their way. Through this journey, I’ve not only helped him grow but have also strengthened my own resolve to continue making a difference in the lives of others."

Daniel Guerrero, Corona High School
"When I heard about this program, it reminded me of my memories with my Big. Looking back, I grew up and had someone to look up to, and it was awesome. Knowing I could do the same, dedicating one hour of my time to a little learning new activities with them and also being there to talk about their day was something I really wanted to do."

Gavin McGowan, Ramona High School
"In the two years I mentored Joshua, I helped him come out of his shell, and frankly, he helped me come out of mine. I’m so glad Joshua was my Little. I have been a better person, scholar, and athlete because of him. I have to be an example for the football team and the people around me, but it’s different with a kid his age. I knew that anything I did could be internalized. I wanted to set him up as best as I possibly could for middle and high school by showing him what it is to be a hard worker and have your priorities straight. I’m excited for him to go to middle school, though I’m sad I had to say goodbye. I’m hopeful for both the impact I can make on a new Little this year and the impact they can make on me, though."

Vinny Gonzalez, Ramona High School
"The High School Bigs program was the gateway to helping me develop my love of helping my community! It allowed me to make a significant impact and fostered my personal growth. Inspired by the program, this growth has been a driving force in my journey. After finding the love of helping my community with this program, I felt motivated and determined to do more! Since then, I have been more involved by joining clubs, extracurriculars, and leadership positions such as Habitat For Humanity, Love Around The World, RYLA, Miracle On Main Street, Peer Educators, Keep Riverside Clean and Beautiful, etc. This program fueled my passion to do more for my community! I cannot thank them enough."